Seasoned Youth Competitors Share Tips for the Ride

WRHA members have the first show of the year under their belt and look forward to the next show in the series, “The Classic”, to be held at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe May 31 – June 2. Two WRHA youth competitors who had outstanding 2012 show seasons share what they learned regarding getting through the show season successfully. Holly Lansidel, 2012 NRHA Regional Affiliate Finals Limited Non Pro Champion, Youth 13 and Under Reserve Champion, and 2012 North American Affiliate Finals Top Ten Youth 13 and Under offers this advice: “Show for the next time you go into the pen, like running long to your stops.” Holly recommends riding in an indoor arena if at all possible during the winter, to help keep everything together. She adds, “When it is time to step it up, just hang it out there!” Nick Muir, 2012 North American Affiliate Finals Reserve Champion Youth 13 and Under shares his insights: “I think one of most important things for me is to stay relaxed on my stops and when I am in the show ring, not to be picking at the horse for every little thing that goes wrong. When something does go wrong I make an effort to fix it, but if I can’t I just ride on and show the horse the best I can.” WRHA can be found on the web at as well as on Facebook.
Published May 2013 Issue
Washington Reining Horse Association’s objective is to promote and encourage the showing of reining horses; and to develop and dissemble informational material deemed desirable to provide contestants and spectators a better understanding of a proper performance of the reining horse in the show arena. Our club has members from under ten years of age to over seventy years old and classes are offered from beginner riders to national level open riders. Learn more at