Programs Abound to Help Raise Future Leaders in the Horse Industry

Washington State Quarter Horse Association is off in full swing. We kicked off the year with the Youth Schooling Show. This show is run by the youth as a learning opportunity. They run everything, from the office to being the judge. Everyone has decided that the back gate is the toughest job—getting everyone into a class is like herding cats!
WSQHA believes it’s important for youth to learn all aspects of the horse world to help raise our future leaders. This show also teaches compassion and the value of community service. The youth donated 10% of the profits to Horse Crazy, a scholarship fund that benefits low income families through sponsoring riding lessons. The scholarship honors two horse crazy women: Jamie Soloman and Corinna Girling.
If you think, “wow, these kids are busy, ” add a clothes and used textiles drive to help our environment. Clothes that are usable are resold and those that are not become environmentally safe insulation. This keeps clothing from heading to the land fill. In addition, we have ten youth that will be fundraising to attend the Youth Excellence Seminar in Amarillo in July, as well as a team of judging and horse bowl youth for the American Quarter Horse Youth Association (AQHYA) youth Worlds.
Come join us as we celebrate 75 years with the American Quarter Horse! For more info visit

The Northwest Horse Source is an independently owned and operated print and online magazine for horse owners and enthusiasts of all breeds and disciplines in the Pacific Northwest. Our contemporary editorial columns are predominantly written by experts in the region, covering the care, training, keeping and enjoyment of horses, with an eye to the specific concerns in our region.