Exciting Line Up of Shows Beginning in May

The 2016 season is kicking off for the Washington State Quarter Horse Association. We have several exciting shows planned for this year including the Trophy Circuit in Monroe, WA May 27 -30. This is always a great show to kick your show season into gear. We have a number of new classes this year, including walk-trot classes for all age groups. Join us for the fun—there will even be parties during the show sponsored by Larson Performance Horses, Three Ring Farm and McCann Performance Horses. “Show bucks” for the first six placings, and all around awards in every categories. Host hotel is Evergreen Inn and Suites in Monroe.
Check out the club website for more information: wsqha.com.
WSQHA is the AQHA affilate group for Washington State. WSQHA is committed to encouraging the growth and development of the American Quarter Horse through showing, trail rides, community outreach and much more!