Stonewater Mustangs Wild Hearts student, Avery, has graduated out of the program and has decided to stay involved with us as a volunteer. With Dorothea’s coaching, she has been helping start Milo under saddle. This is what she shared with me about her experience:
“I came to my first horse camp in 6th grade and decided to come back every year, sometimes to as many as two or three camps in one summer. Before being a part of Stonewater Mustangs I had almost no experience with horses. I have loved learning not only how to ride domestic horses, but to witness and now be a part of starting the first mustang colt in their program. Just in the past two days, I’ve been challenged in my horsemanship and faith. I’ve been letting go of my doubts of my abilities and my fears of getting hurt, replacing them with the trust and faith I have in Dorothea. Through doing so many new things for both Milo and me, we are learning together and really becoming a team.”
It’s amazing to see growth like Avery’s happen through the ministry of Stonewater Mustangs. If you know a horseman who would like to be a part of our program and has colt-starting experience, we are looking to bring someone onto the team to continue the mustang’s saddle training this spring and summer. Contact Ken at if you or someone you know are interested in helping us bring these horses along.

It is our mission to build an all Mustang herd of trail horses while sharing Christ with Northwest teens. Pairing youth and Mustangs creates a dynamic relationship where both parties can learn, grow, and thrive as successful members of their respective communities.