Embracing the Journey in 2015
by Karen Pickering

2014 is going to be hard to beat. I made so many great memories—horseback riding through Yellowstone, winning my first buckle and being involved in many great local events. That said, 2015 is going to be super special because December issue marks 20 years publishing the Northwest Horse Source.
I have seen such an incredible change in the industry since starting the magazine. It’s been quite an evolution. The way we share information has changed dramatically, along with how we interact with our friends and community. It was scary at first, but now I’m embracing all the ways we have instant access to people and information. Change can be overwhelming yet it also offers wonderful ways to grow.
This will be the first issue of the magazine that’s published in a responsive digital edition. What this means is our magazine will now be available on your smart phones and tablets. We will still offer the print publication, of course, but now you can access the magazine from wherever you are. This is one of the ways we’re growing with a changing industry. To view, simply visit our homepage at www.nwhorsesource.com and click on the cover image.
This issue focuses on breeding and buying horses. How we purchase horses has also changed dramatically. However, one thing should remain constant: that we trust who and where we get information. As a solid resource for nearly 20 years, we look forward to providing you with relevant, useful, trusted information in the future. Thank you for growing with us for so many years.
Finally, we bring you details of a super event happening in Washington, February 20-22, 2015. It’s an action packed weekend with clinics and shopping. Read all about the Washington State Horse Expo on page 6. We hope to see you there!
Quote: “When you choose to see the good in others, you end up finding the good in yourself.” ~ Author Unknown

Owner/Publisher Karen’s lifelong love of horses began at a very early age when she wore out a couple of rocking horses before convincing her parents to get her the real thing. That ill-tempered bay gelding, Brandy, was a challenge for the young horsewoman, but it drove her ambition to become a horse trainer. After attending Canyonview Equestrian College’s Horsemanship Program, Karen realized she needed work that was a little more lucrative than training, so she took a job with Customs Brokerage to pay the bills. There, she discovered an affinity for computers and a talent for creating informative, entertaining newsletters. The Northwest Horse Source began as such a letter in December 1995, with a distribution of 1000 copies for its 12 black and white pages. Now 29 years later, it’s an online magazine and website with a reach of over 10,000 per month and growing! Not bad for the results of one woman’s dream to work with horses!
Today, Karen remains involved with every aspect of the magazine and treasures the community of thousands who share a common passion.