Organizers Work Hard to Bring Education and Entertainment to Idaho’s Horse Lovers
By: Sabrina Amidon
I can’t wait for the next time! These are words the organizers of the Idaho Horse Expo hope to hear at the close of their expo.
A horse expo should highlight equine greatness and be an event everyone enjoys. It’s an event that exhibits top horses, displays cutting-edge equestrian products and entertains attendees. An expo is a place to educate and show folks the fun they can have with their equines. Expos also introduce non-horse people to the wonderful world of horses.
This year the Idaho Horse Expo (IHE) adds new excitement to its tradition of excellence. The show, now in its 33rd year, will be held April 12-14 at the Idaho Horse Park in Nampa.
April 12-14, 2019 Schedule Now Available! To Download or Print Click Here

IHE will build on its excellent tradition and also sport a few new faces, new ideas, and an array of presentations including two high-energy and unique evening programs. Friday evening the expo will feature the Breed Challenge. Saturday adds an entertaining musical program featuring The Runaway Hamsters, aka TRHibe, a sibling country group with roots in Idaho and performances from Los Angeles to Nashville.
IHE is excited to feature Endo The Blind and his owner/trainer Morgan Wagner. Watch as Endo (who lost both eyes to equine recurrent uveitis) and Wagner demonstrate amazing trust as they navigate obstacles and perform at liberty.
Featured clinicians include Les Vogt, NRCHA Hall of Fame, Steve Rother – Horse Teacher and Nadine Schwartsman USDF Gold Metallist.
The IHE aims to introduce all horse lovers—owners and non-owners alike—to what horses can do and allow attendees to interact with the horses. Folks will see the equines in action as they compete in events like the challenging Supreme Cowboy Race. New this year will be an Equestrian Trail Sport competition and a fast-paced Drill Team competition.
Remember to shop Idaho Horse Expo’s great vendors who offer unique products and super deals. The always-popular Kids Corral, hosted by the Carousel Equine Club, offers fun for children with interactive contests. Have your picture taken with the cute Miniature Horses, participate in stick horse races, and paint the horse of your dreams at the Breyer StableMate painting table. Be awed by the Rhinestone Roper Show, where kids and adults are invited to show off their skills on the Robo Roper and to braid their own ropes. Visit with Idaho’s rodeo royalty, featuring Miss Rodeo Idaho and members of other rodeo royalty courts and join the Easter egg hunt.
IHE proudly features local talents Butch Mowdy, Shelby Rosholt and Dana Lovell. Many disciplines will be shown, and speakers will present a variety of topics in the seminar area, like Susan Dudasik and attorney Stephanie Griffey and Idaho Equine Hospital, who donated their talents and time.
April 12-14, 2019 Schedule Now Available! To Download or Print Click Here
Organizers and Volunteers Work Hard
It’s important to pay tribute to the work that goes into the planning and execution of an equine expo. There’s venue planning, acquiring sponsors for the specialty acts, locating arena panels, purchasing bedding, lining up food, vendors, and speakers that will capture an audience…and this is just the beginning.
Even choosing a web and graphic designer with horse savviness and knowledge is vital to make sure all is in place. And don’t forget the endless hours donated by dedicated volunteers who take time off from work to help make the event a success.
The IHE is proudly produced by the Idaho Horse Council, who uses the proceeds to help conduct business throughout the year. Funds help with legislative process and assist in the Idaho horse community in many ways.
Many smaller expos are on the verge of disappearing. No matter where you live, please consider supporting your local horse expos. They are your equine community’s heartbeat. Your support is needed to bring good clinicians closer to you and provides folks—especially youth—a chance to rub elbows with one of their mentors or idols.
It’s fun seeing old friends and riding pals, meeting new folks, learning new skills or just socializing at these events. Also, buy some fun goodies from the vendors. Most have traveled a long distance, investing in the event. They often worry about selling enough to afford hotel rooms, booth rent, or even the fuel to return home.
Yes, our small equine expos are important to the local equine community and deserve your support. We always say, “If you can change one thing for the better in your horse’s life, we have succeeded.”
Find more about Idaho Horse Expo at or even better, like the site to stay on top of giveaways that will soon be posted.
April 12-14, 2019 Schedule Now Available! To Download or Print Click Here

The Northwest Horse Source is an independently owned and operated print and online magazine for horse owners and enthusiasts of all breeds and disciplines in the Pacific Northwest. Our contemporary editorial columns are predominantly written by experts in the region, covering the care, training, keeping and enjoyment of horses, with an eye to the specific concerns in our region.