Thanks to Speaking of Horses TV for great video content.
~ Introduction ~
I met Wayne Williams of Speaking of Horses at the Northwest Horse Fair & Expo. Wayne has his own radio show and has been the announcer for the Northwest Horse Fair & Expo in Albany, Oregon several times over the years. Wayne is partnering with The Northwest Horse Source to bring you interesting horse news and information throughout our country.
Video 30 (March 2021)
Video 29 (January 2021)
Trainer Carl Bledsoe helps develop the all around trail horse
Video 28 (December 2020)
Here is a new video featuring Trainer Carl Bledsoe on helping Trail Riders mount their Horses easier on the Trail.
Video 27 (November 2020)
Here is a clip from Myrtle Beach Heart Ride Nov 2020. The Trailriders ride the Beach and raise money for the American Heart Association…this was yaer 39 and they raised nearly $400,000 with over 1190 horses there
Video 26 (September 2020)
Mares Halter Class from the Palomino World Show this week In Springfield IL.
Video 25 (September 2020)
Mizpah Horse Patrol Ft. Wayne, IN presents the History of the USA in Flags on Horseback…this was August 23 at their Charity Horse Show.
Video 24 (August 2020)
Legend Trainer Jack Brainard just turned 99 2 days ago….here is an interview we did 6 years ago when Jack was a mere 93…he still does some clinics.
Video 23 (August 2020)
IBHA Buckskin Horse World Show in Cloverdale, IN end of July 2020.Watch the Lead Line class here as these young Kids compete!
Video 22 (July 2020)
From the Mane Event Show at the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo in Denver…a group of Graet Kids Vaulting…watch and enjoy!
Video 21 (June 2020)
A look at Scott Thomas’ collection of Silver Parade Saddles in Iowa
Video 20 (May 2020)
Karla Switzer performing Liberty and Free Style ride at Theater Equus Show in Harrisburg PA end of February 2020
Video 19 (May 2020)
Here is an interview with Carl Bledsoe, Gaited Horse Trainer from his Farm in Northern GA. Carl is a promoter of sound gaited horses.
Video 18 (March 2020)
Here is an interview with the head of the Certified Horsemanship Association Christy Landwher. This was from February 2020 at the Southern Equine Expo in Murfreesboro Tennessee, before the shut downs.
Video 17 (February 2020)
Interview with Jonathan Shaw who rides Paso Fino horses and carries his Falcon…yes real Falcon…very interesting fellow! Belongs to the Mason Dixon Paso Club and lives in Maryland!
Video 16 (October 2019)
Interview about saddle fitting with Sheryl Lemke of Lemke Saddlery at the Norco CA Horse Affair in early October 2019.
Video 15 (August 2019)
Johnathan Field from Vancouver, BC Canada was a featured performer at Breyerfest 2019 held at KY Horse Park in Lexington, KY. Here is a talk with Johnathan in his stalls at Breyer!
Video 14 (August 2019)
Interview with the Cobra Project, from the Equus Film Festival Breyerfest stop at KY Horse Park! Cobra is a BLM Mustang who went from “unadoptable” and wild to a 2015 World Champion, 2018 USEF Horse of the Year, FEI PSG Adequan All breeds Champion 2015 and a Breyer model horse! He now has a short documentary film about him showing on the Equus Film Festival.
Video 13 (July 2019)
Highlights from the Midwest Carriage Festival in Elkhorn, WI. This event was in mid June 2019.
Video 12 (June 2019)
A visit with Equine Massage Therapist Liz Baumann of On Track Equine Massage works on a horse (mine) who fell on the ice this last winter. The benefits and reasons for massage!
Video 11 (Feb 2019)
Wayne Williams of Speaking of Horses caught up with Clinician and Mule Trainer Ty Evans while he was doing clinics at the Southern Equine Expo, Feb 22-24, 2019 in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Video 10 (Feb 2019)
Interview with Holly Armstrong about her SaddleBred Parade Horses and Saddles from Breyerfest in Lexington, KY.
Video 9 (Feb 2019)
Culver Military Academies in Northern Indiana, Female Equestriennes Drill Team perform at last year’s Graduation Week Program
Video 8 (Jan 2019)
Yoga Pre-Ride Stretches for Equestrians from Jennifer K, of Chicago.
She rides, competes, and is an excellent Yoga Instructor.
Video 7 (Jan 2019)
A visit with TV personality Carson Kressley about once again being the MC for the Equestfest part of the Tournament of Roses…and riding in the parade January 1…New Years Day with the Scripps Miramar Saddlebreds from Southern California!
Video 6 (Dec 2018)
A visit with Jennifer Malott Kotylo on Yoga Exercises and improving your riding skills and balance! Jennifer is a school instructor, Dressage Rider and Movement & Body Awareness Specialist for Equestrians.
Video 5 (Dec 2018)
Tips on safely clipping your horse and with a new horse, figuring out how to approach the unknown… Dan Grunewald is a Trainer, Instructor, Judge and World Champion Competitor. Here are a few really good tips from Dan!
Video 4 (Nov 2018)
A look at the American Heart Association Beach Ride at Myrtle Beach SC Nov 2018.
Video 3 (Nov 2018)
A look at day one action from the World Clydesdale Show 2018 in Madison, WI.
Video 2 (Feb 2016)
Interview with Trails Specialist Robert Eversole. He lives in the State of Washington and rides trails world wide. He is know as the “TrailMeister” and does clinics and presentations across the USA and Canada on trail safety and usage.
Video 1 (May 2018)
The Young Living Oils Percheron Hitch appearing in the 2018 Indianapolis 500 Festival Parade….behind the scenes preparation and the Parade itself!

The Northwest Horse Source is an independently owned and operated print and online magazine for horse owners and enthusiasts of all breeds and disciplines in the Pacific Northwest. Our contemporary editorial columns are predominantly written by experts in the region, covering the care, training, keeping and enjoyment of horses, with an eye to the specific concerns in our region.