What Would You Do with $3000 for Farm Improvements?
The Northwest Horse Source and the Whatcom Conservation District invite all Whatcom County land owners and managers to enter our competition for a $3000 grant for improvements on your farm.
Water quality in Whatcom County is an issue and The Northwest Horse Source and Whatcom Conservation District are working together to find solutions. Be a part of that solution. Tell us how you would use these funds to make improvements at your homestead or farm site to improve animal health, increase chore and site efficiency, and improve water quality.
The winner will receive $3000 for improvements on the farm and a Sound Horsekeeping sign to demonstrate their stewardship efforts.
The winning applicant must:
- Be willing to share before and after results with Northwest Horse Source readership
- Be located in one of the Whatcom County high priority watersheds
- Have high potential for water quality improvement
- Show compelling need
- Have ability to complete the proposed project by September 1, 2018
- Be the landowner, or a current land manager who will be able to secure the approval of the land manager for the life of the project
- Be willing to work with the Whatcom Conservation District to develop a voluntary, confidential farm plan for your site
Proposals are due by end of business Friday, March 30, 2018. To enter, complete our survey online. www.surveymonkey.com/r/NWHSdesign. If you prefer to apply over the phone, contact Katie Pencke at 360-526-2381, extension 105. You may also email her at [email protected]. Visit http://www.whatcomcd.org/design-competition-2018 for more information on common costs for gravel, hog fuel, fencing, excavation and gutters to help with budget submission.
Sound Horsekeeping High Priority Practices:
Reduce mud
High Priority Practices |
Install gutters and downspouts. (Downspouts should direct roof runoff away from confinement areas.) |
Create a confinement area (winter paddock). |
Add footing (gravel, hog fuel, etc.) in paddocks. |
Fence off any creeks, wetlands, or water bodies. |
Manage Manure
High Priority Practices |
Cover manure pile with a tarp or roof. |
Pick up manure in stalls and confinement areas daily or at least every 3 days. |
Implement a manure disposal plan (advertise for pickup, take somewhere for disposal or have it picked up). |
Build a manure composting bin(s)/storage area. |

Improve Pastures
High Priority Practices |
Keep horses off pastures during winter months. |
Remove horses from pastures when grass has been grazed down to three inches. Allow grass to re-grow to six to eight inches before grazing again. |
Funding for this design competition is provided by Whatcom County Public Works Pollution Identification and Control program.

The Northwest Horse Source is an independently owned and operated print and online magazine for horse owners and enthusiasts of all breeds and disciplines in the Pacific Northwest. Our contemporary editorial columns are predominantly written by experts in the region, covering the care, training, keeping and enjoyment of horses, with an eye to the specific concerns in our region.