A Teachable Spirit Invites Success
By Catherine Madera
As the new editor of the magazine, this month’s theme of educational opportunities is especially appropriate—I’m on a big learning curve! It’s an awesome opportunity to get more involved in the Northwest horse industry and I look forward to meeting and learning from the readers and writers who have made this publication so valuable.
I’ve had numerous educational opportunities in my life as an equestrian. Many of them I never signed up for. Early lessons in horsemanship were supplied by a wicked Shetland pony that hated me. Sally taught me the first rule of success with horses: Never, ever give up.
My current mount, Eli, continues to send me back to “school,” that often uncomfortable but ultimately rewarding place of humility and growth. Most recently we both learned about artificial insemination, something I never thought I’d need or want to know more about. But that’s another story for another time (my thanks to Dr. Mike Howell of Evergreen Equine Veterinary Practice and Northstar Farms).
For now, dive into the August issue. Sky Hawk Ranch, a promising and gorgeous mountain trail and stock horse educational center just opened in Central Oregon. Also, insurance agent JoAnn Maynard shares important information about reducing the inherent liability associated with horse ownership and Clinton Anderson reminds us that the first step to learning—and helping our horses learn—begins with a willingness to change. Be teachable and refuse to give up!
We think you’ll learn something new about life with horses this month and hope the Northwest Horse Source encourages and supports you whatever your breed or discipline. I’d love to hear from you and welcome feedback on content and what you’d like to see in the future. Email me at: [email protected].
Published August 2011 Issue

Catherine Madera served as editor of the Northwest Horse Source for five years. She has written for numerous regional and national publications and is a contributing writer for Guideposts Magazine and the author of four equine-related books. She has two grown children and lives with her husband and three horses in Northwest Washington.