We dubbed last month Neck Tag November and, all month long, we invited you to share your neck tag removal and first touch stories with us. Your stories were highlighted via our social media channels throughout the month and archived on our website to share with our Mustang Family.
For those of you who took the time to share with us, thank you! Hearing your incredible stories warmed our hearts and we hope that they will inspire others to adopt and join our community. Be sure to visit the website to read through all of the amazing #necktagnovember stories as you have time!
November 29th was Giving Tuesday and we launched our month-long campaign to breathe life into our youth programs for 2023!
Your gift allows us to continue hosting the youth division of the Extreme Mustang Makeover and TIP Challenges, further our educational outreach and provide scholarships, while also helping us continue our mission of increasing adoption rates and successfully placing more mustangs and burros into private care.
Any amount helps, so please give what you can and know that your support will make a direct impact on the MHF mission.

Nearly 50,000 wild horses and burros have been removed from public lands and are currently in holding pastures and corrals managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). They need our help!
Mustang Heritage Foundation helps find forever homes for thousands of these horses and burros each year. We’re dedicated to removing these animals from BLM holding pens and placing them into homes and private care through innovative programs, events, and education.
We have saved taxpayers an average of $162 million each year. A wild horse or burro costs the federal government $25,000 during the lifetime of the animal. Mustang Heritage Foundation not only saves the taxpayer money but most importantly helps provide loving homes for our national treasure – the American Mustang! MustangHeritageFoundation.org