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Media Barn: Ultimate Exercise Routines for Riders

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Fitness that Fits a Horse-Crazy Lifestyle

By Laura Crump Anderson

Riders often neglect their own needs to ensure their horses’ are met. Countless dollars go toward massages, chiropractic work, and other therapies that keep our equines performing their best. We carefully schedule their training programs to achieve peak fitness at just the right time, and we juggle our personal lives around it all. But if we want our horses to be at their best, then we must be at ours, and that means paying careful attention to our own athletic bodies. Most riders argue they simply don’t have the time to work out and still give their horses the time they need, so certified personal trainer Laura Crump Anderson has written a book that specifically targets the ever-present dilemma of how to fit fitness into a horse-crazy lifestyle.

This book offers eight equestrian-specific workouts to suit any rider’s body, age, ability, and schedule. Anderson provides guidelines for stretching, weight training, and cardio. A lifelong equestrian, she approaches the scheduling issue head-on, helping readers determine where best to fit in the minutes they need in the places they need to be anyway—the tack room, the arena, the barn aisle. 

Published by Trafalgar Square Books. Purchase from www.horseandriderbooks.com or other booksellers.

NWHS Editor’s review:

I’m the kind of person this book was written for. A serious rider, I know how important it is to be strong and supple, but I don’t want to spend the money or time to take a formal exercise class. This book has clear, easy-to-follow instructions and color photographs illustrating the exercises, making it easy for me to do a few exercises or stretches and get a quick workout in without any driving or special equipment.

See this article in the May/June 2023 online edition:

May/June 2023

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