Editor’s Postcard: Let’s Slow Down and Enjoy Summer

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Horses Can Show Us How to Live if We Let Them

“I’m gonna soak up the sun, I’m gonna tell everyone to lighten up…”

– Sheryl Crow

We Northwesterners endure late fall, winter, and early spring waiting for good summer weather and the chance to do all the things. When those warm, dry days arrive we emerge from our shelters and take part in a whirlwind of activities like trail rides, gardening, backpacking, camping, horse shows, clinics, and so on. 

And of course, there’s also all the upkeep on the homestead to take care of in summer. This year I hope to paint everything around my farm. Fixing fences, roofs, and adding gravel to the paddocks and driveway are on the agenda too. There’s always so much to do in our short summers; it’s hard to choose what to focus on. Summer is glorious, but busy. I always try and pack so many activities and projects into the season that I often feel panicked and frantic. How can I possibly get everything done? 

But sometimes I wonder if I’m trying to cram too much into these perfect days; perhaps it would be better to slow down and just enjoy summer. My beloved gelding, Exodus, knows how to appreciate life regardless of the season. Imported from Brazil, he loves warm weather and has never really adjusted to our climate. He dislikes the cold and damp but refuses to wear a blanket in the winter (rips them to shreds). He stands out in the rain and snow (though he always has shelter available) and looks out into his field to the south. It’s as though he’s trying to tell me, “Let’s go!” 

But on those first few days of warm sunshine, after his grazing time is over, he can be found lounging for hours in the warm sun, flat on his side, under the singing birds, without a care in his heart. His black hide gets hot to the touch as he snores away. I love seeing him sleeping so contentedly, enjoying life. He always makes me smile, and the example he sets reminds me to slow down and just soak up the sun. 

Enjoy your summer! 

[email protected]

See this article in the May/June 2023 online edition:

May/June 2023

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