Article by Phil Peterson and Rowanne Fairchild
CHA Region 1 is taking a new approach to community and continued education in 2021.
Region 1 is found in Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Montana, Alaska, British Columbia, and Alberta. Every winter, they host a regional conference that exhibits some of the best instruction, creativity, and community the equine industry has to offer. When the 2021 Region 1 conference was canceled due to COVID-19 restrictions, the regional directors thought why not divide and conquer? Their vision developed into state-centric equine events, designed for a short weekend and a smaller number of registrants.
The first of these events takes place on October 8-9, 2021 as a Cow Work Foundations Workshop at Iron Legacy Ranch in Ritzville, Washington. While nothing can compare to the Region 1 event, the hope is that this workshop will provide instruction, fun, and social gathering in a time when region members have had a harder time finding ways to gather.
Not only is this event the first of its kind to be hosted in Washington, it’s additionally special because it will be hosted at Iron Legacy Ranch (ILR) LLC. ILR is a brand new, state of the art facility built and managed by the Tracy and Peterson families, all long-time members of CHA. ILR is built in a desert of equine facilities, becoming the only fully developed space with a covered arena for miles around. The managers and instructors are widely experienced in a variety of skills including roping and cow work.
It is these professionals who will instruct at the Washington State event on October 8-9. This two-day event will feature instruction on the foundations and skills necessary for working cattle and will cost $140. Participants will be able to enjoy the full amenities of Iron Legacy Ranch, as well as the use of the horses they have on site. For more information on the workshop visit
For more information about CHA Region 1, contact Phil Peterson at
SAVE THE DATE-CHA Region One conference March 3-6, 2022. Location will be Warm Beach Horsemanship in Stanwood, WA and registration will open in November. Find more information about Northwest programs and certifications at
See this article in the October 2021 online edition:

The Northwest Horse Source is an independently owned and operated print and online magazine for horse owners and enthusiasts of all breeds and disciplines in the Pacific Northwest. Our contemporary editorial columns are predominantly written by experts in the region, covering the care, training, keeping and enjoyment of horses, with an eye to the specific concerns in our region.