Put Sweet PDZ Horse Stall Refresher to work in your stalls today!
Ammonia is a major disrupter to your horse’s respiratory system, inviting serious health problems such as, heaves, COPD and foal pneumonia. Every day that they are exposed to these noxious and toxic odors is a day in which they lose more of their energy and competitive spirit.
How can you eliminate harmful levels of ammonia? The short answer is to regularly mix Sweet PDZ Horse Stall Refresher in with your bedding. Sweet PDZ has been the #1 stall freshener on the market for more than 33 years. It is an all-natural and non-toxic mineral that contains NO perfumes, scents or chemicals. This natural occurring mineral is manufactured and packaged in the U.S.A. All you need to do is simply sprinkle a light, visible covering of it in your bedding and apply it to wet spots on a daily basis, or as needed. When you strip your stall, apply a covering of Sweet PDZ on the stall floor. When you remove the bedding and manure containing Sweet PDZ from your stall remember that Sweet PDZ increases this waste material’s natural fertilizing ability when applied to gardens and compost.
Sweet PDZ is certified organic mineral, as it is OMRI Listed (Organic Materials Review Institute). It is natural mineral that is safe and effective to use in all pet and livestock environments. It allows your pets and animals to live in safe and healthy environment.
Don’t allow ammonia to kill your horses’ livelihood and performance potential. Regularly treat your stalls with Sweet PDZ and smell how sweet a sour stall can be for you and your equine friends. Visit, www.sweetpdz.com, www.healthyworldpetdeodorizer, or call 800.367.1534 for more info and a dealer near you.
The Northwest Horse Source is an independently owned and operated print and online magazine for horse owners and enthusiasts of all breeds and disciplines in the Pacific Northwest. Our contemporary editorial columns are predominantly written by experts in the region, covering the care, training, keeping and enjoyment of horses, with an eye to the specific concerns in our region.