What Kind of Horse Makes a Mounted Shooting Horse?

Any breed of horse or mule can be used as a mounted shooting horse. Some horses take to this sport easily, others do not. But, first things first. Since this is a high performance sport, you need to start with a sound horse. Eventually your horse will be running at speed, navigating courses and turning barrels, so soundness is important. Secondly, since you will be shooting with one hand, your horse must be well broke and neck rein easily. Thirdly, take the time to invest in a new shooter’s clinic (or two or three). It is well worth the time and money to set you and your horse up for success. Most of us started slowly with exposing our horses to gun fire in a safe, controlled, herd environment. CMSA has 6 levels of competition. Everyone starts out as a level 1. Many people start at walk or a trot.
Western Washington Mounted Shooters hosts practices just about every weekend, weather permitting, in the Sultan, WA area. The next clinics are as follows: August 10-11, Sharp Shooter Series Shoots 3 & 4, CAP Farms, Sultan, WA; August 23-25, The Washington State Finals, Chelan County Expo Center in Cashmere, WA; September 7-8, Sharp shooter Series Shoots 5 & 6, Sedro Woolley Riding Club, Sedro Woolley, WA. Find out more information about the sport of mounted shooting at the CMSA (Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association) website, cowboymountedshooting.com or at the club website, westernwashingtonmountedshooters.com. Email Mark or Karen Plumlee for more information [email protected], or call 425-985-8321.
Published July 2013 Issue
WWMS members vary from kids to adults, and from the recreational shooter to the serious National and World competitor, so there’s a spot for everyone. We are a friendly group, and enjoy introducing the sport to others. Please feel free to contact us at any time, and come join the addiction that is Cowboy Mounted Shooting!!! www.WesternWashingtonMountedShooters.com