Culmination of the Competition Year Happens in December
By: Tami Jennings

Washington State Quarter Horse Association has come to the finale of another excellent show season! Many exhibitors experienced great placings and personal bests and have fond memories of the year.
Now it’s time to shift gears and start thinking about the 2016 WSQHA convention. This gathering recognizes the accomplishments of exhibitors throughout the year and brings together horse enthusiasts from throughout the equine industry in Washington State. Those attending will be exhibitors, their friends and family members, WSQHA board members, and representatives from AQHA. The Convention will be held on December 3, 2016, at the Hilton Garden Inn located in Issaquah, Washington. There will be meetings held throughout the day such as a general membership meeting that is open to all, a youth meeting, and amateur group meeting. The day will culminate in an awards banquet that evening.
A block of rooms has been set aside for WSQHA members for both Friday and Saturday nights. More detailed information including a meeting schedule, banquet reservation form, and hotel contact info will be e-mailed to members, posted on the WSQHA Facebook page as well as posted at
Be sure to mark your calendar and join us for Convention. It’s a wonderful time to socialize with friends, meet some new people and to look back upon the 2016 show season!
WSQHA is the AQHA affilate group for Washington State. WSQHA is committed to encouraging the growth and development of the American Quarter Horse through showing, trail rides, community outreach and much more!