Source: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Confirmed Case(s) – Official Quarantine
Number Confirmed: 1
Number Suspected: Unknown
Number Exposed: Unknown
Comments: On July 7, 2023, positive equine infectious anemia (EIA) results were confirmed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) national reference laboratory for a horse located on a premises in Cariboo Subdivision C, British Columbia. The horse had previously been on the same premises as a confirmed case and was sampled by the CFIA as part of an ongoing disease investigation. The infected horse had a history of commingling with free-roaming horses in an area where the disease is endemic. A CFIA investigation is underway and as per program policy, movement controls have been placed on the infected horse and any on-premises contact animals. Initial reports indicate there are other equines on the affected premises. Movement controls will remain until all disease response activities have been completed, including follow-up testing and ordering the destruction of confirmed cases. Trace-out activities may require the CFIA to undertake actions at additional premises as outlined in the current policy. Improved biosecurity protocols have been strongly recommended to the owners to help control the ongoing spread of EIA and protect our national herd.
Visit to view the Equine Diseases Dashboard- Canada created by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).;
For more information, go to

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