The Northwest Horse Source is your all breed, all discipline resource covering the care, training, keeping and enjoyment of horses. Check out the latest Outbreak Alerts!
This alert is an equine related disease outbreak or other emergency, disaster, or critical announcement in our distribution area. Alerts regularly include Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, and sometimes Utah, Montana, Nevada, Wyoming and Arizona.
Confirmed Case(s) - No Quarantine
Source: California Department of Food and Agriculture
Number Confirmed: 1 Number Exposed: Unknown Age: 5 Gender: Stallion Breed: Andalusian Onset of Clinical Signs: 8/11/2023 Clinical Signs: Ataxic - Grade 2 thoracic limbs, grade 3 pelvic limbs , CP deficits, weak tail pull, low grade fever. Confirmation Date: 8/18/2023 Horse Status: Affected And Alive Vaccination Status: Status Unknown Comments: This is the 12th case confirmed of equine WNV in California in 2023.
Confirmed Case(s) - No Quarantine
Source: California Department of Food and Agriculture
Number Confirmed: 1 Number Exposed: Unknown Age: 5 Gender: Mare Breed: Quarter Horse (QH) Onset of Clinical Signs: 8/17/2023 Clinical Signs: Moderate to severe ataxia, muscle fasciculations, ear twitching. Confirmation Date: 8/24/2023 Horse Status: Recovering Vaccination Status: Undervaccinated Comments: This is the 14th case confirmed of equine WNV in California in 2023.
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