This alert is an equine related disease outbreak or other emergency, disaster, or critical announcement in our distribution area.
Written by: Northwest Horse Source
Confirmed Case(s) - Official Quarantine Source: California Department of Food and Agriculture Number Confirmed: 2Number Exposed: 600Age: 12Gender: MareBreed: Argentinian Polo HorseUsage: PoloOnset of Clinical Signs: 3/19/2023Clinical Signs: mild neurologicConfirmation Date: 3/21/2023Horse Status: Affected And AliveComments: A 12-year-old Argentinian polo horse mare displaying mild neurological signs has been confirmed positive for EHM secondary to EHV-1 (non-neuropathogenic strain). The mare was immediately isolated at the onset of clinical signs and is currently …
Alerts regularly include Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, and sometimes Utah, Nevada, Wyoming and Arizona.